June 2020

  • Yesterday I facilitated a collaboration of two intersectional disabled and autistic female artists - one will respond in writing - the other through art in live time as I hold the space (this will happen next Wednesday and then I will use work made in there to platform (paying them from my external project) and with their permission using work in their collaboration and the "physical" space of Zoom towards the brief Abigail gave us for the month. (I attach their words and art below - they had to bring something that responded to the other- we started with Eā€™s words - and G responded to E's words in art - then we shared space for 1 hour to respond verbally and share, next we'll be doing the "Collaborative live responding/making" over 2.5 hours on Zoom. 

  • Go Sees: Meeting with Tim.

    • With Tim, it's about physicalising/creating the gathered sounds/words into tangible instruments to build place and environment from which people can experience and attend to the music in new and exciting ways other than listener. Music made from much more than just using software which has been super triggering to me whilst in lockdown, looking at returning to how i made before and remembering it's not a lack of skill but my power. 

    • Send over text descriptions/song journeys to Eluned 

    • Arranged with Eluned and Michael webinar 

    • Worked with a friend external to DM to get one track journey levelled for a better listening experience. 

    • Quick natter with Sonia to check in with each other and later with Gareth too. 


  • Managed to get my documentation on a website - there's still lots more fragments that need adding. 


  • Tonight - I'm performing a lot of the words I've created in response to yesterday's work and I'll be bringing them to perform at a Survivors Event  over Zoom.